Add Copyright to your Image
Select an image: Click on the "Choose File" or "Browse" button to select an image from their local device. The selected image should be in a common image format such as JPEG or PNG.
Enter custom text: Enter the desired custom text in the "Custom Text" input field. This text will be added as the copyright text on the image.
Add copyright: Click on the "Add Copyright" button to process the selected image and add the custom text as the copyright.
Preview the image: After adding the copyright, the processed image will be displayed in the "Image Preview" section on the web page. Clients can see how the custom text looks on the image.
Save the image: Save the processed image in different formats such as JPG, PNG, or PDF. They can click on the respective "Save as JPG," "Save as PNG," or "Save as PDF" buttons to download the image with the added copyright text.