
Entering Numbers: To perform calculations, click on the number buttons (0-9) to input the desired numbers. For example, if you want to enter 123, click on the buttons 1, 2, and 3 in sequence.

Mathematical Operations: To perform basic arithmetic operations, click on the respective buttons:

Addition (+): Click on the “+” button.

Subtraction (-): Click on the “-“ button.

Multiplication (X): Click on the “X” button.

Division (/): Click on the “/” button.

Performing Calculations: After entering the numbers and operations, click on the “=” button to calculate the result. The answer will be displayed in the text input field.

Clearing the Display: To clear the input and start over, click on the “C” button.

Error: If you enter invalid expressions or divide by zero, it will display “Error” in the input field.

Continue Calculations: You can perform multiple calculations in sequence. After getting the result of one calculation, you can use it as an input for the next calculation.